About us

A historical experience serving the industry

Our inspiration: your company

Since 1964, Dupuy has been building industrial vacuum cleaners for liquids and solids for all industrial applications. From the very first vacuum cleaner, the construction philosophy has not been inspired by mass production, but rather by the search for a handcrafted solution designed on the customer’s needs. This inspiration accompanies the entire Dupuy team to this day. Dalle fasi di progettazione alla spedizione, i nostri aspiratori industriali vengono curati nei minimi dettagli, al fine di garantire la migliore soluzione possibile all’utilizzatore finale.

A complete range of industrial vacuum cleaners

The range today consists of single-phase and three-phase vacuum cleaners suitable for suction of any material: smoky, dusty, liquid, granular, heavy, solid, light, heavy, bulky, etc.
Dupuy offers professional vacuum cleaners, industrial vacuums, patented bucket vacuums, suction silos, centralized systems, dust collectors, stainless steel vacuums, ATEX-certified vacuums, pneumatic conveyors, and high vacuum vacuums for heavy industry.

Choosing a Dupuy custom machine means making sure of a high-quality solution and dedicated support.

" a construction philosophy focused on craftsmanship and customization, each vacuum cleaner is the result of painstaking work and an ongoing commitment to solving the most complex industrial challenges "
  • Dupuy Headquarter in Busto Arsizio

    The first patent

    The beginning of an era

    In 1964, in Busto Arsizio (VA), Michele Mara started Du-Puy, founding the company on three basic pillars: quality, style and practicality. With visionary innovation, Mara patented a revolutionary machine known as the “Sole.” It is a marble polisher, featuring an off-center motor, designed to reach even the most difficult areas of the house, go under furniture, thanks to its flat structure. Mara’s invention not only marked the beginning of Du-Puy, but also represented an important technological step in the cleaning industry, setting a standard of excellence that the company continues to maintain.

  • Old wet and dry vacuum cleaner range

    The Birth of the Professional Vacuum Cleaner Range

    Meeting the Needs of the Market

    During the 1970s, Du-Puy began production of a full range of professional vacuum cleaners. This development is driven by growing market demands for more powerful and efficient cleaning solutions to meet the challenges of modern industry. This new product line represents a significant expansion of the range, confirming Du-Puy’s commitment to providing innovative and tailored solutions for its customers.

  • Du-Puy at international texile trade show

    A New Chapter of Industrial Innovation

    Vacuum Cleaners for the Textile Industry

    In 1976, Du-Puy took a significant step with the introduction of a line of industrial vacuum cleaners dedicated to the textile industry. The TS range of vacuum cleaners was born, designed specifically to meet the needs of the industry, which in the Varese area represents a true European pole of excellence. These industrial vacuum cleaners are designed for heavy-duty and continuous use for cleaning spinning machinery and removing textile waste, thus ensuring a cleaner and safer working environment.

    The Evolution to Tailor-Made Solutions
    Vacuum Cleaners for the Mechanical Industry

  • Tailor Made solutions for mechanical industry

    The Evolution to Tailor-Made Solutions

    Vacuum Cleaners for the Mechanical Industry

    In 1978, Du-Puy introduced the M line, dedicated to the mechanical engineering industry. These industrial vacuum cleaners are designed to address the specific challenges of machining operations, including the suction of chips and swarf from manufacturing processes. The M line represents not only a technological advancement, but also the beginning of a new approach for the company: the concept of tailor-made solutions. With the launch of the M line, Du-Puy is taking an approach focused on customization, offering ad hoc solutions to solve customers’ specific problems. This tailor-made approach ensures that each machine is perfectly calibrated to meet the particular needs of each application, cementing Du-Puy’s reputation as a leader in innovation and quality in the industrial vacuum cleaner industry.

  • First industrial vacuum cleaners for mechanical industry

    Continued Expansion and Innovation

    Expansion of Product Range

    In 1980, Du-Puy continued its path of growth and innovation with a significant expansion of its product range. Suction silos, available in both small and large sizes, are introduced to meet a wide range of industrial needs. The company also launches large self-cleaning filters, stainless steel vacuum cleaners and chip suction buckets, further expanding the solutions available for a wide range of industries. These new products not only strengthen Du-Puy’s position as an industry leader, but also demonstrate an ongoing commitment to offering cutting-edge technology.

  • International trade show

    The Culmination of Excellence

    A Complete Range of Suction Solutions

    In 1987, Du-Puy reached a major milestone with the completion of its range of professional and industrial suction solutions. This achievement represents the culmination of years of innovation, research and development, positioning Du-Puy as a benchmark in the industry ON A NATIONAL LEVEL. The comprehensive range includes vacuum cleaners for all kinds of industrial needs, covering a wide range of applications and sectors. From the textile industry to the metal industry, from small manufacturing plants to large factories, Du-Puy offers tailor-made solutions that guarantee high performance and reliability.

  • Global customer

    Establishment on a Global Scale

    Collaboration with Large Multinational Groups

    In 1990, Du-Puy took another significant step in its history by beginning to collaborate with large multinational groups. Du-Puy vacuum cleaners are integrated into the manufacturing plants of some of the most important players in the food, automotive, textile, and engineering industries. This expansion on not only testifies to the quality and reliability of the solutions produced, but also underscores the company’s ability to adapt to the complex and diverse needs of high-profile international customers.

  • Bimu international trade show

    Commitment to the Metalworking Industry

    Constant Presence at the Milan BI-MU Fair

    Negli anni ’90, Du-Puy consolida ulteriormente la sua reputazione come specialista nell’aspirazione industriale partecipando a tutte le edizioni della fiera BI-MU di Milano, la biennale dedicata alle macchine utensili. Questa fiera rappresenta un evento di riferimento per il comparto metalmeccanico, riunendo i principali attori del settore. Questa presenza continua non solo rafforza la posizione di Du-Puy come punto di riferimento nel settore metalmeccanico, ma dimostra anche la dedizione dell’azienda a comprendere e soddisfare le esigenze dei professionisti del settore, offrendo soluzioni affidabili e innovative.

  • Patented tilting system

    Revolutionary Innovation and Functionality

    B4500 Bucket Vacuum Cleaner Patent

    In 2000, Du-Puy achieved another important milestone by obtaining a patent for the B4500 Bucket Aspirator. This innovation represents a significant breakthrough in the industry, introducing the first ASPIRANT bucket for chips and oils with simplified discharge. The B4500 is designed to offer maximum efficiency and ease of use, with unique features such as forking capability and easy direct in-bucket emptying via tipping. This revolutionary solution greatly simplifies maintenance and industrial waste management operations, improving operational efficiency and reducing downtime.

  • Bimu international trade show

    A Global Showcase for the Latest News

    Expansion at EMO Fair

    In 2009, Du-Puy made its debut at the EMO Fair, an event of international resonance in the machine tool and metalworking technology landscape. Du-Puy’s participation in this prestigious event represents a major step forward in its presence in the mechanical industry.

  • ATEX industrial vacuum cleaners

    An Achievement in Safety and Quality

    First ATEX Certifications for the Food Industry

    In 2010, Du-Puy obtained its first third-party ATEX certifications, marking an important step forward in the safety and quality of its products for the food industry. These certifications attest that Du-Puy vacuum cleaners meet strict safety standards for use in hazardous environments, ensuring protection and reliability.

  • New production mentality

    A New Identity

    Relaunch and Presentation at BI-MU Fair

    In 2016, Du-Puy inaugurates a major phase of relaunching its mechanical products, beginning with participation in the BI-MU Fair under new management. This fair is the perfect opportunity to present the new corporate identity to the public, characterized by a revamped logo and a fresh, innovative vision. During the event, Du-Puy introduces the new W3 model, an industrial vacuum cleaner designed for general use in the engineering industry.

  • New Du-Puy logo

    A Decisive Step Toward the Global Marketplace

    International debut at PULIRE Fair

    In 2017, Du-Puy made its international debut at the PULIRE Fair, a landmark event for the industrial cleaning industry. This represents a momentous moment for the company, which until then was known primarily in the Italian domestic market. During the fair, Du-Puy launches its brand internationally, presenting a range of products dedicated to the industrial cleaning sector. This move marks a significant broadening of prospects for the company, opening up new business opportunities.

  • Pulire Trade show

    Innovation and Versatility

    Product Range Expansion

    During 2017-2018, Du-Puy is committed to developing and introducing a full range of single-phase and three-phase products, introducing iconic models that will mark a turning point in the industrial vacuum sector. The Dust and Heavy Dust range is introduced for the effective handling of dust and heavy debris. The flagship models include the W2, W3 Infini and the three-phase M Series. These models represent a concentration of innovation, versatility and reliability, designed to meet the most specific and demanding needs of industrial sectors.

  • Industrial cleaning

    Excellence Made to Measure

    Innovation in emulsion recovery – OILVAC range

    In 2018, Du-Puy inaugurates the OILVAC range, a series of vacuum cleaners designed specifically for the filtration and separation of oils and swarf. This new range represents a breakthrough in mechanical oil and chip treatment; with an innovative filtration and emulsion discharge system. Among the most iconic models emerging at this time are the OILVAC 60 and 100 PUMP, followed by the launch of the OILVAC 200 and 450.

  • New oil recovery system

    An Integrated Solution for the Mechanical Scope

    Air Filtration Range Completion

    In 2019, Du-Puy completes its offering in the mechanical sector by introducing new ranges dedicated to air filtration. The new series of oil mist filters, called the SKY range, is designed to solve problems related to oil mist emissions in mechanical machining, ensuring a cleaner and safer working environment. In addition, the DEDUST range is introduced, a complete series of dust collectors designed to handle suspended dust. These dust collectors meet the needs of various industries, offering effective solutions for maintaining air quality and reducing exposure to harmful dust.

  • New Dust collectors range

    A Quality Leap to Respond to Growth

    New Production Hub in Settimo Torinese

    In 2020, faced with double-digit year-on-year growth and strong expansion, Du-Puy feels the need to create a new production hub to meet growing market demands. For this, Du-Puy is moving to a new plant in Settimo Torinese, Piedmont. This modern production facility is designed to improve operational efficiency and production capacity, enabling the company to meet the needs of its customers even more effectively.

  • New headquarter

    Specialization in the Metal Sector

    Specialization in the Metalworking Sector

    In 2021, Du-Puy is further expanding its offering with the creation of the Fumebuster range, dedicated to welding fumes. This new product line is designed to provide a safer and healthier working environment by reducing exposure to harmful fumes produced during welding operations.

  • Welding fume extractors range

    A Structure Focused on People and Values

    International Expansion

    In the two-year period 2022-2023, Du-Puy implements an ambitious expansion project in international markets, bringing sales to a composition of 70% export and 30% Italian market. This growth strategy leads to a significant increase in turnover, in parallel, Du-Puy pays great attention to the organizational structure, focusing on people and corporate values. This human and values approach is reflected in the increase in staff, from 3 to 23 people over the 2016-2022 period.

  • EMO international trade show for mechanical industry

    Interclean 2024

    New Brand Identity and Vision for the Future

    In 2024, Du-Puy comes to Interclean with a renewed brand identity, launching a new corporate logo and a clear vision for the future. The new logo represents the constant evolution and innovation that characterizes Du-Puy, reflecting an ongoing commitment to excellence and quality. With this new identity and a clear vision for the future, Du-Puy is poised to meet the challenges of the global marketplace and continue to grow, innovate and meet the needs of its customers.

  • Interclean 2024

Our values

Quality and Reliability

The company is committed to offering high-quality industrial vacuum cleaners designed to be reliable and durable. Each product is built with robust materials and advanced technologies to ensure excellent long-term performance.

Technological Innovation

Continuous research and development are at the core of the company’s philosophy. Industrial vacuum cleaners are equipped with the latest technology to ensure effective removal of dust, debris and contaminants. The company is committed to staying abreast of industry innovations to meet growing industrial needs.

Customization and Adaptability

The company understands that each industry sector has unique needs. For this reason, industrial vacuum cleaners are designed to be highly customizable to fit each customer’s specific requirements. By offering tailored solutions, the company aims to maximize operational effectiveness and meet the specific needs of each industry served.

Excellence in customer service

The company is committed to providing impeccable customer service. In addition to manufacturing high-quality industrial vacuum cleaners, the focus is on customer satisfaction. A dedicated team is ready to provide timely support, solve any problems, and offer expert advice to ensure that customers get the most value from the products they purchase.